Vior and Ethos Crosscut Gold Intercepts at Depth From the Ligneris Project, Abitibi, Quebec
QUEBEC CITY, CANADA, April 23, 2020 – SOCIÉTÉ D’EXPLORATION MINIÈRE VIOR INC. (“Vior”) (TSX-V: VIO, FRANKFURT: VL51), in partnership with Ethos Gold Corp. (“Ethos”) (TSX-V: ECC, OTCQB: ETHOF), is pleased to announce the results of their diamond drilling campaign completed between late October, 2019 and mid-February, 2020 at the Ligneris gold project in Quebec.
The program’s primary objective, which included 14 holes totaling 8,318 meters, was to test to a depth of approximately 600 meters, the extent of the gold mineralization system on the Central and South zones, which coincide with well-defined chargeability geophysical anomalies. The program also tested certain chargeability anomalies generated during the recent IP survey which were located in the lateral extensions of some strongly altered structural zones.
The mineralization encountered during this drilling program at Ligneris appears to be related to a gold-rich massive volcanogenic sulfides environment with local remobilization in deformation zones. Best drill results of the program *:
- Drill hole LI-19-02, Between 620.5 and 639.5 meters cut 1.19 g/t Au over 19.0 meters, including 2.36 g/t Au over 8.0 meters;
- Drill hole LI-19-03, between 391.0 and 397.1 meters cut 0.45 g/t Au over 6.1 meters;
- Drill hole LI-19-04, between 566.0 and 575.5 meters cut 0.83 g/t Au over 9.5 meters, including 1.02 g/t Au over 5.5 meters;
- Drill hole LI-19-05, between 717.0 and 721.0 meters cut 1.19 g/t Au over 4.0 meters, including 1.95 g/t Au over 2.0 meters;
- Drill hole LI-19-06, between 488.0 and 500.1 meters cut 1.09 g/t Au over 12.1 meters, including 1.69 g/t Au over 7.0 meters, including 5.70 g/t Au over 1.0 meters;
- Drill hole LI-19-07, between 208.0 and 209.0 meters cut 23.5 g/t Au over 1.0 meters;
- Drill hole LI-19-08, between 646.0 and 653.0 meters cut 0.78 g/t Au over 7.0 meters, including 2.94 g/t Au over 1.0 meters.
Salient points from the program
- Visual examination of the drill core shows that the strongly altered zones extend at a depth of over more than 600 meters vertical in the Central and South zones.
- The Central zone is characterized by the presence of disseminated to semi-massive pyrite mineralization, with locally sphalerite and chalcopyrite, included within a 100+meter thick highly silicified, sericitized, ankeritized (with locally chloritoids) alteration zone.
- The South zone is characterized by extensive disseminated pyrite and stringer mineralization associated with a series of highly silicified and sericitized shear zones exceeding 10 meters in thickness.
- Significant grades of silver and base metals reaching up to 10.1 g/t Ag and 0.18% Cu over 9.0 meters (drilling LI-19-06) and 26.4 g/t Ag and 0.43% Zn over 5.0 meters (hole LI-19-07) were intersected in the Central zone;
- All of the tested chargeability anomalies were associated with pyrite mineralized zones ranging from disseminated to semi-massive.
- A TDEM geophysical survey carried out in 5 of the drill holes detected off-hole anomalies in 2 distinct drill holes in the South zone, indicating conductive bodies within a 100-meter radius.

Figure. Ligneris Project – New drilling results (in blue), selected historic intercepts and VTEM anomalies on a chargeability background.
*The true thickness of reported drill intervals cannot be determined with the information currently available. Additional drilling would be required to determine the orientation and true thickness of the mineralized zones.